Kambly Living Center has been home to individuals with developmental disabilities since 1949. Your donation goes directly for the care of our residents.

Did You Know?
Most of our residents only receive SSI benefits; those benefits do not cover the cost of their care.

Your financial support makes it possible for us to continue to:

  • Provide a high-quality home

  • Nutritious meals

  • Skilled staff

  • Daily activities

  • Opportunities to interact in our community

Thank You!
For your past support, and hope you will continue to support our Kambly family.

Kambly is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, allowing you to take a tax deduction for any contributions.


You can also mail in a donation to:
Kambly Living Center
1003 North Avenue
Battle Creek, MI. 49017

You can help
other ways to help

volunteer at Kambly


We have an awesome staff at Kambly that does an exceptional job of meeting our resident’s physical needs but it is hard to meet all their social needs. This is where volunteers are very helpful. Simple things like coming in and reading a book, playing a game or putting together a puzzle is a huge help. If you enjoy gardening you can help us in our vegetable garden. Take your hobby and turn it into an activity that the residents would enjoy.

Help by being a chaperone; going to the Zoo, the park, a movie or Battle Creek Bombers game. You could volunteer to help at one of our fundraising events or create an event of your own. Civic organizations in our community have been very supportive of our home. We appreciate all the volunteers that have served and who currently help at Kambly. Please consider volunteering.

AmazonSmile! You Shop And We Receive!

Amazon Smile

When shopping anytime....please choose smile amazon. Kambly will automatically receive .5% of your purchases. You shop and we receive.

The perfect way to have a donation made by Amazon to us while doing what we all love - SHOPPING!!!! Thank you!

Just click on Support Kambly Living Center to the right.

Kambly Wish List

Wiah List

Our Wish List is everyday items that benefit our residents. Below is a list of items that we're in need of. Kambly would appreciate any help you could give us. Kambly is a 501(c)(3) your donations are tax deductible.

• Towels/cloths (bath & kitchen)
• Pillows
• Bedding (twin size)
• Men's electric razors
• WII games
• DVD's
• Vacuum cleaners (2)
• Commercial size coffee maker
• Toothpaste
• Toothbrushes